Being Summer Shores

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BEN πŸ’›

So much of my life is documented on social media + on this little blog. Although I love sharing most of my life online, I do like to keep some things to myself so I can be fully present. My relationship with Ben has been one of those things, until today. πŸ’› Ben and I have been dating for five months and I’m so excited to share our relationship with you!


Ben and I actually met four years ago when we were on spring break. We were both attending college out of state and were home visiting our families here in Lancaster. Our friends totally set us up while we were shopping at Park City Mall and I didn’t know this until recently 🀣. Ben and I had an instant connection and we spent our summer break together. At the end of the summer, we simply decided that we weren’t ready for a serious relationship with each other. So when we left for college again in the fall, we took our separate ways. Who could have guessed that we would ever make our way back to each other?!

BUT WE did πŸ’›

Years went by and we took our separate life paths. We both grew up a lot and really found ourselves during our time apart. I never thought that we would ever make our way back to each other, but we did. When I moved back to Pennsylvania, we decided to give our relationship another shot, and I am so happy that we did. These last five months with Ben have been the best months of my life.


There are so many reasons why I love Ben, and him knowing my Chick-Fil-A order is just one of them! πŸ˜‰ I love Ben because he accepts the person I am and loves me unconditionally. It takes a special kind of man to admire being with a woman who is independent, not to mention a single mom. Loving Ben is just so easy. He is so patient and handles conflict with so much grace. Ben and I have been through so much together and I know that we can take on anything that life will send our way. I’m so thankful to not only have him as my best friend, but my partner.