35 Week Pregnancy Update


Only five more weeks until baby, where is the time going?? Baby girl is the size of a pineapple, just over 5 pounds! We have been doing a lot over here to prepare for her, our nursery is just about complete and we have ordered her car seat, travel system, and bassinet. We just have a few more items on our to-do list to check off, such as organizing her closet, ordering black-out curtains, and packing a hospital bag. Besides that, we are all ready for her arrival! Which Ben and I think will be sooner than later, as we both have a strong feeling she’ll come early!


I have began having more regular midwife appointments as COVID has settled down in our area and I’m getting closer to my due date. Ben has been able to come to my last two appointments, which I’ve been so thankful for since he wasn’t able to come my first two trimesters of pregnancy. She is measuring great and still has a strong heartbeat - I’m so thankful for this healthy pregnancy.


Baby girl is now head down and beginning to settle in birthing position, although her body is mostly on my right side - causing lots of pelvic pain and lack of balance. It seems as though she is very comfortable where she is at, and my midwife mentioned that the pain will only be getting worse in the coming weeks as she continues to grow. I ordered a maternity belt to help ease the pressure, so hopefully that helps in the coming weeks! Besides lots of pressure, I have been simply exhausted. I found out that I have become very anemic during my pregnancy, and my midwife has me on iron supplements to hopefully bring my levels back up! I can’t make it through a working day without feeling the need to doze off, which makes it difficult on the days where I go straight from working to taking care of Aimery by myself through the evenings. Being pregnant with a four year old is definitely no small task, and I really don’t know how I’m making it through the day sometimes! I’m looking forward to our next season of life when she is here with us!


We recently picked up a baby doll for Aimery so he could learn how to give her a bottle, change her diaper, and put her in the crib. He is so gentle with his doll and it makes my heart so happy to see his comforting side. He is so excited for baby sister, I can’t wait to see them together!