Free Resource for Treating Musculoskeletal Injuries at Home

This post was sponsored by Upswing Health as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

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Learning how to stay active at home has probably been the largest adjustment for me during this season. Working out at home has never been something that was easy for me, as I have a hard time finding the motivation to be active with other things distracting me - like the dirty dishes, floors needing vacuumed, and a three-year-old climbing up the walls! This season at home has really changed my perspective and has forced me to get into a workout routine in the comfort of my own home, which has been great for me! I have been sharing tips with you this month on how to workout as a family and find new, exciting ways to stay active and motivated during this time. But what if you have a musculoskeletal injury that is slowing you down? Keep reading for a great resource!

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I have struggled with lower back pain for as long as I can remember. It not only affects me in everyday life, but it affects the way I am able to stay active. Normally my back pain can be helped by visiting my chiropractor or doctor, but during this time at home, I am unable to go to my normally scheduled appointments. I recently stumbled upon Upswing Health, which is a web-based service that helps treat musculoskeletal injuries from the comfort of your home!

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Upswing Health provides help for both minor and more serious injuries by directing you to the right solution for your pain. For minor injuries, Upswing will provide home exercises with detailed instructional videos to assist you with being active. Should you have a more serious injury, Upswing will connect you to a Certified Athletic Trainer who validates your injuries. If necessary, they will even set up a telehealth visit that connects you with a primary care sports medicine physician!

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Before Upswing, I had no idea that many musculoskeletal issues can be treated at home with guided exercises, without having ever seen my doctor (for free)! Upswing even has over 7,000 exercise videos created by licensed physical therapists to help with MSK issues. Sound like something that may be helpful? It’s so easy to get started! Simply visit and select the “What Hurts” button to connect with Upswing Health’s medical professionals to get your own personalized recovery plan based on your needs and MSK condition.

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Do you have a musculoskeletal injury? Let me know in the comments!