Pumping Mom Must Haves


This is my second time around that I’ve been exclusive pumping. I have found that pumping works best for both me and my babies as it allows me to have the freedom to pump on the go and while at work! I also love being able to have Ben involved in feeding times so there isn’t so much pressure on me. Today I’m sharing 10 things that I use everyday while exclusive pumping. Keep reading for my pumping mom must haves!


Bodyarmor - Bodyarmor is great during every stage of pregnancy and postpartum. They were the only drink I could get down during first trimester morning sickness, and were great for hydration during second and third trimesters. Now that I am postpartum, I have been drinking them to keep up my milk supply - they are magic! The cheapest place to order them in bulk is Sam’s Club, but you can also order them on Amazon here.

Snacks/Protein Bars - I always make sure to have snacks on hand for middle of the night feedings. It’s important to keep your blood sugar up throughout the night while you’re awake! I love these RXBARs.

Lanolin Cream - This cream is great for soothing and protecting sore nipples while being safe for both baby and mom. I used this one before and after pumping, along with before taking a shower so it wasn’t so painful!

Nipple Butter - This butter is a great organic option that I am using in my second month postpartum. In my opinion, it doesn’t work as well as the lanolin cream, but it’s great for moisturizing between sessions and it smells really good! I like to use the nipple butter during the day and the lanolin cream at night.

Nursing pads - It’s normal for nursing moms to leak breastmilk, especially during the first six weeks! I love these disposable nursing pads to help with leaks. They are also very comfortable and discreet under nursing bras!

Pump - I use the Freestyle Flex pump by Medela, and it’s been a great fit for me so far! I shared more about it on this blog post.

Hands-Free Pumping Bra - If you do not already have a hands-free pumping bra, add this one to cart right now! This bra allows you to pump while holding your baby, working from your phone, or anything else you may need to be hands-free for. It gives me a lot for freedom while pumping!

3-in-1 Breast Therapy Packs - It’s normal for nursing moms to find themselves with painful engorgement or clogged ducts. These Breast Therapy Packs are made to easily give relief to breastfeeding challenges.

Mini Fridge - If you follow me on Instagram, then you know that this fridge has been a game changer for pumping! Did you know that you can put your pumping parts in the fridge between sessions to eliminate having to wash them after each session? I keep this mini fridge in the nursery and no longer have to walk up and down a flight of stairs in the middle of the night! It’s under $40 and can fit all of my pumping parts and a bottle.

