Posts tagged cupcake
How to Throw a PJ Masks Party

With the stress of back to school and upcoming holidays piling on, we decided it was time to take a step back and have some fun. Honestly in this busy season of life, we would take any excuse for a party! I set out to throw a party for my kids and their friends, but I couldn’t decide on a theme. I went to Aimery for his opinion and PJ Masks was the answer, without hesitation! PJ Masks is almost always queued up on the TV at my house, to the point where I’m walking around singing “PJ Masks, we're on our way. Into the night, to save the day!” all day! A PJ Masks themed party only seemed like the right choice! Luckily, Walmart has a ton of supplies that fit the theme and the budget.

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Mint Chocolate Cupcakes

I can’t believe the holidays are less than two weeks away! This is the first year Ben and I will be celebrating as a married couple, so I’m looking forward to having him be a part of our traditions and making new ones together! Since Aimery was little, we’ve had a routine in the Winter that on Sundays we would spend the afternoon baking. Now that Aims is getting older he’s able to help a lot more and appreciate these family times as well!

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