4 Self Care Tips for the New Year

This post is sponsored by BabbleBoxx on behalf of Herpecin L Lip Balm

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The beginning of a new year is always time for reflection. Last January, I only dreamed of being a mother of two and growing my business to the place it’s at now. And even with the craziness that last year ensued, I'm thankful for all that it’s brought me. That’s not to say the last year came without struggles and hardships! 

This last year taught me that self care isn’t selfish, and taking necessary steps for myself only allows me to show up better as a mother and an individual. A few little adjustments have made the biggest difference in my life, but the key is they need to be sustainable! Keep reading for 4 self care tips for 2021!

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It’s that time of the year when everyone looks to fad diets to accelerate their health goals, but if you’re anything like me, give it a month or two and I’m over it. I want to choose the foods that make my body happy, not to lose weight, but instead the food my body needs to fuel itself throughout the day. For example, some of the key ingredients found in certain foods can influence your level of serotonin, a feel good hormone. Also enjoying fruits and vegetables directly relates to your overall health and related quality of life! And since I’m breastfeeding Adlavie, I want to choose healthier foods while also nourishing her as well. My goal isn’t to change my entire diet in one day, because again, we want this to be something we can stick to. Substituting certain foods and increasing your intake of the right groups can go a long way! 


Drinking more water is a small change that can lead to many big differences in your life! I try to drink eight 8oz glasses of water a day, following the commonly recommended 8x8 rule. Since drinking more water, I’ve noticed a change in my energy levels, brain function, and  even my physical performance! 60% of your body is made up of water and even mild dehydration can affect you mentally and physically. Making the change to ensure you’re getting enough water each day, is one of the best things you can do for your overall health!


I used to think that the practice of meditation required hours to set aside a day, in order to be effective, when in reality spending even a few minutes can restore your calm and inner peace. I prefer to meditate right when I wake up, as it’s been a great way for me to start my day! You can also practice meditation while on a walk, riding public transportation, or waiting in an office lobby. Taking a few minutes to calm my thoughts and be mindful of them has made a drastic difference in my emotional well-being and overall health.


I’m a firm believer in the fact that skin care is a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle! It’s a proven fact that when you look better you feel better, and not to mention that prevention is a lot easier than fixing a problem down the road. For example, I am religious about applying UV protection year round! People often neglect this in the winter, since it’s not as warm, but applying a product like Herpecin L Lip Balm has helped my lips not only be protected from UV exposure, but also helps treat chapped lips, fever blisters & cold sores without numbing or drying!

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Herpecin L Lip Balm locks in moisture with a skin protectant, promotes healing and prevents painful cracking of chapped lips and cold sores. It includes Lysine, Vitamins B6, C & E, as well as a lemon balm and it even has SPF 30, which gives me peace of mind that I’m protected against flare ups caused by the sun, regardless of the season. 

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What are some of your favorite self care tips for the New Year? Let me know in the comments below or send me a DM on Instagram @beingsummershores. I’d love to connect with you!