5+ Postpartum Skin Care Tips

After having both of my kids, I noticed a big change in my skin. I found that postpartum, my skin was more itchy, dry, and sensitive than ever before. When you’re postpartum, your hormones decide to have a field day and are constantly all over the place. This can affect hair texture and thickness, mood, skin texture, weight, and so much more. While I can’t tackle all of these changes at once, I decided to start with my biggest issue: my skin. It was time to face the fact that my skin had changed, so my skincare routine had to make a change too! I now have relatively sensitive skin, so I have to make sure I’m accommodating to my new skin type. If you’re interested in seeing my postpartum skincare tips, keep on reading!


Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize!

This one should be a given, but moisturizing with a quality cream/lotion can change your world. The key here is to do research on the moisturizer you’re buying. Quality ingredients are essential! Stay away from anything that contains alcohols, fragrances, mineral oil, or dyes. These ingredients do nothing for your skin so keep them out. Also, don’t go easy on this step. Drench your skin and let it really soak in so you can get back to your glowing skin. AM Moisturizer / PM Moisturizer

Please don’t forget sunscreen!

If you’re going anywhere, you need sunscreen. Just like you lather the lotion on your baby, make sure your skin is protected too. It’s an easy step to skip, but it’s your best chance at protecting your skin. PS, yes you need it even when it’s cloudy and snowing!! Here's one of my favs!

Use a light hand 

Sensitive skin is a common postpartum problem. Even if you had normal skin before, you might start noticing more irritation. Remember that your skin is changing, just like everything else. Using a lighter hand when you’re touching your face can help prevent wrinkling, irritation, and sagging. Do not scrub that precious skin on your face!

Hydrate the skin from the inside

If dry skin has become your worst nightmare and your face is already drenched in moisturizer, you may need to look somewhere else for the problem. Dehydration can affect your skin’s texture. Drinking plenty of water can help plump your skin up like normal. The typical recommended intake is ½-1 ounce of water per pound that you weigh. Most of us are chronically dehydrated, so grab your water bottle and get drinking! This one's a game changer!

Self care nights are mandatory

I know that a lot of your time is now being spent counting little fingers and toes, but don’t forget to schedule in a little self-care time. Masks are a great way to force yourself to lay back and relax while it works its magic. Bonus tip: use a hydrating mask to give your skin as much moisture as it can get! Try this Kiehl’s Hydrating Mask

Acne is normal!

Your hormones are quite literally all over the place postpartum. Unfortunately, some of those crazy hormones can cause some changes on your face. Just remember to follow a quick and simple skincare routine to help keep it under control. Don’t worry too much, this is only temporary! Drink your water, wash your face, and keep being a great mama!

Being postpartum, everything feels like it changes so quickly. When my skin began to change too, I knew it was time to improve my skincare routine. Have you had to change up your routine postpartum? Tell me all about it down below in the comments!